Here's the scarf I started on election day. It's hemp/wool pencil roving on size 6 needles, using the Misty Garden scarf pattern (Jo Sharp) from Scarf Style. The roving is from DZined/Debi Daniels.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Eve
I think that in my last post I mentioned how, at best, I am cynical about politicians. When I think about it, I realize that I have never voted in a presidential election where I felt that I was not gritting my teeth and making a choice between the lesser of two (or three) evils.
Until now.
The fact that I really, consistently, genuinely like what Obama has to say about things that I feel are important is almost baffling to me. I can’t decide whether this happy or sad. Happy because I actually feel like I am voting for someone I respect and *gulp* trust. Or sad because it took so long to get here…
At any rate, I haven’t been spending any time with my mobius/scarf since about three rows after my last post. I think that was way back before the Democratic nomination went to Obama. One week in particular, I was so fed up with the ridiculous infighting going on between the Obama and Clinton camps. When it was time to start a new row on my mobius, I pulled out this scary, gaudy, awful novelty yarn and started to knit with it.
I think this was the beginning of the end.
The thing began to look more and more like an intestine wearing a cheap feather boa that had been chewed on by a cat. Let’s just say I did not think happy thoughts when I worked on it…
At around the same time, I started working on a lace shawl with some gorgeous hand dyed tussah silk. I loved the yarn, I loved the pattern, I loved the rhythm of the lace chart. Working on this project made me feel gooooood.
I had and idea. It’s an idea that’s been steeping in my head for months.
If McCain wins, I’ll finish the Inaguration Day Intestine/Mobius/Scarf/Beast. I won’t like it, but I’ll wear it. Then I’ll give it to the cats to destroy…
Until now.
The fact that I really, consistently, genuinely like what Obama has to say about things that I feel are important is almost baffling to me. I can’t decide whether this happy or sad. Happy because I actually feel like I am voting for someone I respect and *gulp* trust. Or sad because it took so long to get here…
At any rate, I haven’t been spending any time with my mobius/scarf since about three rows after my last post. I think that was way back before the Democratic nomination went to Obama. One week in particular, I was so fed up with the ridiculous infighting going on between the Obama and Clinton camps. When it was time to start a new row on my mobius, I pulled out this scary, gaudy, awful novelty yarn and started to knit with it.
I think this was the beginning of the end.
The thing began to look more and more like an intestine wearing a cheap feather boa that had been chewed on by a cat. Let’s just say I did not think happy thoughts when I worked on it…
At around the same time, I started working on a lace shawl with some gorgeous hand dyed tussah silk. I loved the yarn, I loved the pattern, I loved the rhythm of the lace chart. Working on this project made me feel gooooood.
I had and idea. It’s an idea that’s been steeping in my head for months.
If McCain wins, I’ll finish the Inaguration Day Intestine/Mobius/Scarf/Beast. I won’t like it, but I’ll wear it. Then I’ll give it to the cats to destroy…
If Obama wins, I’ll finish the Handsome Triangle for Inauguration Day, and be happy that something beautiful prevailed.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Finished too early
I'm usually pretty good about following the rules for just about everything. I have to confess, however, that I didn't follow all of your rules. My scarf is finished too early.
I was really excited about this knit-a-long, and I tried to keep putting it down. BUT...every time something would happen I'd get it out to help me feel like I was doing something. Every time someone sent me an insulting email, I read a disturbing article, I overheard someone say something -or have them say it to my face- unkind...I'd knit. Every time there was a primary, or a speech I knit. Every time I felt hope and change were coming, I knit. It kept getting longer and longer.
Then one nite my husband says, "That's pretty cool. You'll look great wearing it on Inauguration Day when they swear in Obama. I'd like to have one." AHA!!!! So the first one is finished (I gave it to my husband for the idea) and I'm starting a second one for me.
I'm sorry for breaking the rules. I DID use all scrap yarn. I DID pick the snake pattern from the rules page. I DID knit with thought and purpose. AND I DID put my Obama sticker on the car this week, right next to the Alabama license plate!
Please forgive me.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
WWKIP Day Accomplishment
Hey, everyone! I found this idea on June 13, 2008, so I started my Inauguration Day Scarf on WWKIP Day! I decided to work on my scarf for my whole KIP-ping experience, and I am now about 1/4 of the way done, so about 1/2 way caught up to being "current"... I finished 66 garter ridges... I will keep doing this scarf in weekly burts, rather than daily, at least for now... I am not looking forward to dealing with all of those ends! :)

I also think that it would be cool to have knitting (and non-knitting) people that I share my life with this year knit a row or two on my scarf! I guess I just have to carry around a *huge* bag of scraps wherever I go! :)

I also think that it would be cool to have knitting (and non-knitting) people that I share my life with this year knit a row or two on my scarf! I guess I just have to carry around a *huge* bag of scraps wherever I go! :)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Inauguration Day Scarf, Take 2
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
280 Days to go...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Noro Stripes
Monday, April 7, 2008
Leftover Scarf
Hey y'all. (I'm learning to say that here in the South). I'm excited to be in this knit along...and I found out about it just in time to help save my sanity!
I started my scarf last week. I was going thru my stash and trying to find pleasing colors. I found lost treasures I'd forgotten about. I had several skeins in different colorways all set out on my bed when it hit me. This is supposed to be knit from scraps. It was a count down, DAYS LEFT scarf. I went back to the pictures of all of your works, and yep, I had to go to the leftovers basket. It's the Leftover scarf.
So I searched for every bit of small scrap of yarn I could find. I put a large pile on my bed and it looked chaotic, ugly, and not something I'd actually try to make into something...and I thought "What a metaphor for the last 8 years!"
A week later and I'm actually pleased and feeling like I'm protesting one stitch at a time.
I started my scarf last week. I was going thru my stash and trying to find pleasing colors. I found lost treasures I'd forgotten about. I had several skeins in different colorways all set out on my bed when it hit me. This is supposed to be knit from scraps. It was a count down, DAYS LEFT scarf. I went back to the pictures of all of your works, and yep, I had to go to the leftovers basket. It's the Leftover scarf.
So I searched for every bit of small scrap of yarn I could find. I put a large pile on my bed and it looked chaotic, ugly, and not something I'd actually try to make into something...and I thought "What a metaphor for the last 8 years!"
A week later and I'm actually pleased and feeling like I'm protesting one stitch at a time.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Red White and Blue
Monday, February 11, 2008
Inauguration Scarp Wrap
Hi Everyone! I'm Rachel, and I'm working on an Inauguration Day Wrap instead of a scarf. When I saw the beginnings of some Inauguration Day Scarves, I decided that a scarf with a fringe on the side was not really for me, and I was really unexcited about the idea of weaving in 732 ends. I like the idea of a fringe on a wrap, though, so I decided to make one of those instead. I cast on 2 stitches at the beginning and I had planned to increase one stitch every third day, but it isn't getting bigger as quickly as I had sort of imagined, so I'm going to start increasing every other row on day 24. On July 22, I'll start decreasing! Then I'll really know when the year is halfway over.

Five Days In!
I'll admit to not working on this every day, since I'm spinning solid colors for it as I go along, but here's a progress pic:

Next up is either green or turquoise (depending on whether I get to the spinning wheel today or not). Kids are home from school.
It was quite a weekend in primary/caucus land, wasn't it? Wonder what the final result in Washington will be...

Next up is either green or turquoise (depending on whether I get to the spinning wheel today or not). Kids are home from school.
It was quite a weekend in primary/caucus land, wasn't it? Wonder what the final result in Washington will be...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Long and Ribbed Road
I'm happy to join the group! I was originally using Silk Noro to knit an entrelac scarf which I think is pretty on the public side and not so much on the reverse side (metaphor for the campaign?). So I'm repurposing the yarn for a straight 1X1 rib, alternating two rows of two different skeins at a time--I got the idea from brooklyntweed's blog.
The scarf-along is ideal for this because it won't be very interesting to knit on. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Tuesday! (350 days to go)

Someone asked me the other day what I would do if either my candidate of choice didn't win the election. Would I stop knitting in disgust on November 5th? Maybe. At the rate this thing is growing, I think it will be long enough to comfort a whole crowd of disenfranchised knitters by November 5th. So I would just bind it off and use it as a consolation prize.
I am actually concerned that it is going to be about a mile long by next January. I'm now thinking I might have to start a second scarf half way through the year....
I am actually concerned that it is going to be about a mile long by next January. I'm now thinking I might have to start a second scarf half way through the year....
Monday, February 4, 2008
Introduction and first day knitting
Hi, all! I'm a new member and have started my scarf, Kathryn Alexander's Color on Color from Scarf Style:

Admittedly, it doesn't look like much, but it's a good excuse to make a scarf I really like the look of (I'm a total color junkie)! I'm hoping it ends up more the size of a wrap, but I guess I could add more blocks.
Anyway, I'm a liberal/progressive mother of 2 (girl 9, boy 6), mid-40's (oh, man, that sounds old) in Southern California. I've been struggling since Edwards dropped out of the race with what I should do tomorrow, although I think I've made up my mind. As of this minute. Talk to me tomorrow. I'm spending today listening to the FISA debate on my computer.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else knits up!
If you want to see more of my political ramblings/knitting/spinning come over to my blog, Progressive Purls.

Admittedly, it doesn't look like much, but it's a good excuse to make a scarf I really like the look of (I'm a total color junkie)! I'm hoping it ends up more the size of a wrap, but I guess I could add more blocks.
Anyway, I'm a liberal/progressive mother of 2 (girl 9, boy 6), mid-40's (oh, man, that sounds old) in Southern California. I've been struggling since Edwards dropped out of the race with what I should do tomorrow, although I think I've made up my mind. As of this minute. Talk to me tomorrow. I'm spending today listening to the FISA debate on my computer.
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else knits up!
If you want to see more of my political ramblings/knitting/spinning come over to my blog, Progressive Purls.
Monday, January 28, 2008
My Election Mobius
Man, the last two presidential elections have left me feeling beaten down.
I'll just come right out and admit that I voted for Nader/LaDuke in 2000. May I remind you that times were different- Nader was different- and I had enough optimism/ feelings of frustration with a two party political system to think that voting my convictions was a good idea. Um, sorry about that one...
Of course, the painful results of the 2000 election were made much, much worse by the events that followed in 2001.
2004 was unbelievable. Despite the fact that I agree strongly with the Douche vs Turd analogy drawn by South Park, http://http// I sucked it up and voted for the democratic ticket. Fat lot of good that did us all.
This year, despite a very healthy dose of cynicism, I could maybe see myself inching back towards a somewhat optimistic outlook when I think of some of the candidates vying for the democratic nomination... Ok, one of the candidates, but it's a start... Perhaps that's why I am making my Inauguration day scarf a giant mobius. When I need a little reeling in, it can remind me that, no matter how good things may seem, politics will always cycle back to the same place. Of course, my husband points out, when I'm feeling down, it can symbolize no more Bush forever.

I'll just come right out and admit that I voted for Nader/LaDuke in 2000. May I remind you that times were different- Nader was different- and I had enough optimism/ feelings of frustration with a two party political system to think that voting my convictions was a good idea. Um, sorry about that one...
Of course, the painful results of the 2000 election were made much, much worse by the events that followed in 2001.
2004 was unbelievable. Despite the fact that I agree strongly with the Douche vs Turd analogy drawn by South Park, http://http// I sucked it up and voted for the democratic ticket. Fat lot of good that did us all.
This year, despite a very healthy dose of cynicism, I could maybe see myself inching back towards a somewhat optimistic outlook when I think of some of the candidates vying for the democratic nomination... Ok, one of the candidates, but it's a start... Perhaps that's why I am making my Inauguration day scarf a giant mobius. When I need a little reeling in, it can remind me that, no matter how good things may seem, politics will always cycle back to the same place. Of course, my husband points out, when I'm feeling down, it can symbolize no more Bush forever.
My plan is to finish a round every other week-ish. Right now I'm using yarn from the stash under my bed. I have no idea exactly how long or wide it will turn out to be so it could potentially turn out to be a huge chaotic mess. ...Actually, that's exactly how I feel about election years.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thoughts and Ideas
I've been talking about this knit along with some people and a few thoughts and ideas have come up:
• Anyone could join at any point in the year - there really is no need to 'catch up' with the people who started with 365 days to go. Just cast on an knit a bit every day. Even if you're starting November 5th and are making the scarf to celebrate the inauguration of your candidate.
• You don't have to knit every day. You might choose only to knit on weekends or Mondays (if you're a Monday person - I'll be lucky if I remember to do mine on Mondays...).
• If you're doing lots of stripes and you don't want fringe, you might want to designate one day of the week as a weaving-in-ends day instead of a knitting day.
• Some of us, local to Northampton, MA, were talking about having a scrap swap later in the year. This is an idea if you're bored with your own scraps or they are of a limited color palette.
• Anyone could join at any point in the year - there really is no need to 'catch up' with the people who started with 365 days to go. Just cast on an knit a bit every day. Even if you're starting November 5th and are making the scarf to celebrate the inauguration of your candidate.
• You don't have to knit every day. You might choose only to knit on weekends or Mondays (if you're a Monday person - I'll be lucky if I remember to do mine on Mondays...).
• If you're doing lots of stripes and you don't want fringe, you might want to designate one day of the week as a weaving-in-ends day instead of a knitting day.
• Some of us, local to Northampton, MA, were talking about having a scrap swap later in the year. This is an idea if you're bored with your own scraps or they are of a limited color palette.
Day Seven (358 to go)
I have noticed that I am tending towards to the blues and greens. I have a theory. I think that we are willing the election to go blue (and green and purple) through our knitting. I will soon run out "liberal" colors and will have to turn to more red state colors, but for now I am enjoying the symbolism.
Got to figure what color for tomorrow when I am seething over the State of Union address.
Day Seven
I have noticed a color pattern - I tend towards the purples and greens it seems. My technique so far has been to randomly grab scraps and knit them up, with very little consideration for matching colors or textures, and yet here we are with very little color variation.
Odd, especially since the current Primary Catchphrase is "Change". Hm. At least so far none of the yarns are engaging in unnecessary and unproductive personal attacks. We will see if that trend continues as we get closer to Super Tuesday.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day 4
I wanted to capture a before shot of my scarf, for posterity's sake:

I'm doing a fake basket weave using a knit 6, purl 6, repeat. My plan is to reverse the pattern on the first of each month at the start of each week.
Judging from the current length of my scarf, we still have a lot of Bush left, huh?
I'm doing a fake basket weave using a knit 6, purl 6, repeat. My plan is to reverse the pattern
Judging from the current length of my scarf, we still have a lot of Bush left, huh?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Day 3 (363 to go)
Welcome to the Inauguration Day Scarf-Along! Join us in knitting a row or two a day on a scarf that you will wear on Inauguration Day - January 20, 2009. It doesn't matter what your political views are, many of us are ready for a change. The next 12 months are going to be crazy and interesting and unpredictable. I give credit for the idea to a coworker who suggested I start a project that I would knit a little bit on every day until we swear in a new US President.
The scarf can be made of any yarn you like, but I plan to make mine out of the little balls and scraps of yarn that end up piled in the corners of my house.
Basically, you cast on whatever number of stitches you want, in whatever yarn you like, and knit a little bit every day for the next 365 days. Bind it off on January 19th, 2009 and wear it while you watch the next president being sworn into office on January 20, 2009.
You can do any pattern you want - I've listed some ideas below. Mine is going to be basic. I'm planning to do one garter ridge a day in a different color (leaving the ends hanging for crazy side fringe I think). It's going to be a crazy, chaotic, hodgepodge scarf (to match the crazy, chaotic, political hodgepodge I expect we're in for over the next 12 months).
I'll be posting regular updates (maybe on key political days like Super Tuesday and Democratic Convention Day and The Day Mitt Romney Dropped Out of the Race Day) here and on the Knitting Liberally blog.
Anyone is welcome to join in. Join any time, you shouldn't have any trouble catching up since it's just a row or two a day...
Some scarf ideas:
Focus on Fringe (scroll down a bit...)
Noro Striped Scarf (because we love Brooklyntweed)
Meandering Stripes
Kureopatora's Snake
And if some of you are really anal about stripes, but still want to appear to be doing random stripes here's a cool stripe generator.
If you want to join in send me an email and I will authorize you so you can post to this blog.
The scarf can be made of any yarn you like, but I plan to make mine out of the little balls and scraps of yarn that end up piled in the corners of my house.
Basically, you cast on whatever number of stitches you want, in whatever yarn you like, and knit a little bit every day for the next 365 days. Bind it off on January 19th, 2009 and wear it while you watch the next president being sworn into office on January 20, 2009.
You can do any pattern you want - I've listed some ideas below. Mine is going to be basic. I'm planning to do one garter ridge a day in a different color (leaving the ends hanging for crazy side fringe I think). It's going to be a crazy, chaotic, hodgepodge scarf (to match the crazy, chaotic, political hodgepodge I expect we're in for over the next 12 months).
I'll be posting regular updates (maybe on key political days like Super Tuesday and Democratic Convention Day and The Day Mitt Romney Dropped Out of the Race Day) here and on the Knitting Liberally blog.
Anyone is welcome to join in. Join any time, you shouldn't have any trouble catching up since it's just a row or two a day...
Some scarf ideas:
Focus on Fringe (scroll down a bit...)
Noro Striped Scarf (because we love Brooklyntweed)
Meandering Stripes
Kureopatora's Snake
And if some of you are really anal about stripes, but still want to appear to be doing random stripes here's a cool stripe generator.
If you want to join in send me an email and I will authorize you so you can post to this blog.
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